Approximately 10% of people will experience an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Despite the fact that eating disorders are widely misunderstood, there are misperceptions about everything from symptoms to treatment that make it difficult to manage or support someone with an eating disorder. Let's take a closer look at what's true and what's not true.
First, what is an eating disorder?
They're psychiatric conditions that have these main behaviors: restricting food intake, bingeing or consuming a lot of food, purging or eliminating calories by vomiting, using laxatives, or exercising a lot. People with eating disorders can do any or all of these things, like restrict the amount of food they eat. Anorexia, for example, involves restricting the amount of food they have. While bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent binges and purges. These behaviors determine whether someone has an eating disorder.
It's hard to tell if someone has an eating disorder just based on their weight. You don't know if someone with eating disorders won't have eating disorders, especially severe ones that hurt you in the long run, like osteoporosis, anemia, heart damage, and kidney damage. Just like we can't tell if someone has an eating disorder based on their weight alone, we can't get rid of them just by eating different. That's because eating disorders are at their core psychiatric illnesses. They involve a disruption of someone's self-perception. The majority of people who suffer from them are very critical of themselves and report that they have lots of flaws.
They may use eating to try to regain some control over an internal sense of chaos. We still don't know exactly what causes it. Eating Disorders there. Likely isn't a single cause but a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors contribute. Sometimes other mental illnesses like depression or anxiety can cause symptoms of eating disorders.
In addition, certain psychological factors such as perfectionism and body image dissatisfaction, or risk factors for eating disorders, several social factors contribute to including internalized weight stigma, exposure to bullying, racial and ethnic assimilation, and limited social networks. Although there is a common misconception that only women experienced eating disorders, people of all genders can be affected. As these disorders intimately affect the development of one's identity and self-esteem, people are particularly vulnerable to developing them during adolescence.
Eating Disorder Plan:
Many people who get treatment make a full recovery despite these being some of the hardest psychiatric disorders to treat. If treatment starts early after someone develops disordered eating behaviors, it's more likely to be successful. Unfortunately, less than half of people with eating disorders will get treatment. It's hard to treat eating disorders because they're so complex. treatment usually includes a combination of nutritional counseling and monitoring, psychotherapy, and in some cases, medications.
It's possible to treat eating disorders with evidence-based psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy and family therapy. Because not all patients will respond to these treatments, these are talk therapies that help people cope with psychological problems that drive eating disorder symptoms. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is one of the treatments researchers are investigating outside of psychotherapy. proper treatment can reduce the chances of dying from a severe eating disorder
Eating disorders can provoke a powerful sense of powerlessness. That education for individuals, families, and communities, helps erode the stigma and improve access to treatment.
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